Mission Statment
The North Port Paranormal Society is committed to helping people who are experiencing any type of unexplained activity. We will interview, research and investigate to try to determine the root cause of any experience that you may be having based on scientific research and facts. We will try to determine whether what you are experiencing is paranormal in nature or something else that can be explained. We will use research of the history of the area, neighborhood and your physical address to help us in identifying any causes for the activity. The NPPS uses the most up to date equipment and procedures during our investigations. We are a professional group and conduct ourselves as such. We will be completely respectful of your property and personal belongings. We are here to help you and will do everything that we can to determine the cause of what you are experiencing. We accept our cases on the most critical encounters first, especially if there are children involved. Once we gather all of the facts and research of our investigation we will report our findings to you and show you any evidence that we have gathered. If there are any circumstances beyond our scope, we will help you connect with any resources that can help.